Generative AI Workshops & Sprints with COMUZI
The Weather Gallery The Weather Company & GPJ
Hip Hop Poetry Bot Google Arts & Culture
Know Your Health PLP Labs & Centric Lab
Co-designing with Residents in a Pandemic Southwark Council
An interactive digital platform on Black British Art Somerset House & Pinterest
How to talk about data without talking about data Understanding Patient Data/Wellcome Trust
Building healthy habits in 30 days Southwark Council
CAre B0t Caroline Sinders
Financial security for gig workers Doteveryone
A.D.A. Ada Lovelace Institute
Invisible Mask MozFest 2019
#NotASchool Samsung KX & B+A
How does AI augment human relationships? Tate Exchange & Hyphen-Labs
F'xa EY & Feminist Internet
DeathBotBeta [ space ] art+tech & Digital&Dead
Improving young people's life chances Waltham Forest Council
Designing Explainable Algorithms Projects By IF
Smarter Phones Concepts Morrama
Mudane Futures: 2030 Visions Magazine
Future of news articles BBC R&D
Feminist Voice AI Bots UAL & Feminist Internet
Code Art Illustrations ASOS
Interactive tool for AI basics COMUZI